I'm hoping to release this game before the new year.. Thanks to friends' help beta testing, I'm getting all kinds of weird errors. There are some bugs that I have no idea why it's happening. Arrgh..! I actually found a behavior that happens only when I play the game in Japanese. The behavior is that when ever a new Japanese character is display in a UITextView, iPhone mallocs 160 bytes with CoreGraphics add_chunk. The memory lives indefinitely. I don't know how to release these memory. I asked and filed it to Apple, but no reply yet.
ちなみに日本語でプレイしてる時でしか起きないバグも発見。バグでもないけど。どうやらUITextViewやらに日本語を表示するときにシステムがmalloc 160 bytesをするけどゲームを終了するまでずっと生きたまま。どうやってメモリーリリースするのかわからんまま。方法はないような気がする。バグでもないけど、バグファイルしても返事こないからもしかしたら答えを探してるのかな。以前バグファイルしたときはすぐに返事きたし。
Thanksgiving & Such
Still debugging and adjusting game balance. It takes time and bunch of trial and error...
I've been actually catching up with my social life recently, I feel like a human being once more.
BTW, the game is going to be called "Dungeons & Such". If anybody would like to help beta test with me and if you have iPhone or iPod Touch, please shoot me an email.
まだまだデバッグとゲームバランス調整の日々。試行錯誤の繰り返し。でも最近は人間らしい友達とかのソーシャルライフもカムバックしてます。あともうちょっとやー。ちなみにゲーム名が決まりました。「Dungeons & Such」です。ふざけまくりです。
もしもiPhoneかiPod Touch持ってる方でベータテストしたかったらぜひメールください。猫の手も足も借りたいぐらいです。
I've been actually catching up with my social life recently, I feel like a human being once more.
BTW, the game is going to be called "Dungeons & Such". If anybody would like to help beta test with me and if you have iPhone or iPod Touch, please shoot me an email.
まだまだデバッグとゲームバランス調整の日々。試行錯誤の繰り返し。でも最近は人間らしい友達とかのソーシャルライフもカムバックしてます。あともうちょっとやー。ちなみにゲーム名が決まりました。「Dungeons & Such」です。ふざけまくりです。
もしもiPhoneかiPod Touch持ってる方でベータテストしたかったらぜひメールください。猫の手も足も借りたいぐらいです。
Yup. Debugging.
So everything's going well, animation is pretty much done, so I'm onto testing my game and finding more bugs. I mean, MORE bugs. Ay yai yai... por favor hermano. Sayonara geisha. I'm confused.
Finished animation
I finished my animation a couple of days ago, finished it a couple of weeks earlier than I had planned. Now for the final tweak and balance check. Hopefully not as many bug encounters as before..
So I've been working on the opening animation for the past couple of weeks. The draft animation only took two days to make in Flash since I've been thinking about how it wanted to look.
I just love doing frame by frame animation. I like 3D animation too, but it's not the same. It's fun to create the illusion of moving and expressing the lightness and heaviness of the objects with a subtle timing and art. It is hard to get it right.
Now I'm coloring the art.
Yes, I'm here
I just noticed it's been a long time since my last post!! Yup, I'm still working on it every single day, it was just boring debugging and such although I think I had a few insights about debugging and programming and all that in between, but anyways... wow I really wish I had a talent in writing.. My English is so broken. So I've pretty much finished the programming part of the game so I've been drawing the background art lately again. I just finished drawing 51 of them 5 minutes ago so I needed to celebrate it here. Hurahh! (a celebration roar)
Now I need to draw the background for the square, inn, barracks, cathedral, and the hill. After that is draw some boss characters and draw all the NPCs. Hurraah!! (one more push roar)
Now I need to draw the background for the square, inn, barracks, cathedral, and the hill. After that is draw some boss characters and draw all the NPCs. Hurraah!! (one more push roar)
Progress, progress, and... progress
..moreover, progress.
It was inevitable to learn how to use Instruments due to my buggy-awesomeness-code-of-doom. I found a huge bug where a memory wasn't being freed by Apple's API because I was trying to paste a blank string to a UITextView. This didn't show up in the Leaks Instruments, but it was living forever which could be observed through Object Allocations. It was about 100KB per minute, which adds up over time and crashes the app.
And finally, more progress is yet to come.
進行、 進展、前進するのみ。Instrumentsを使ったデバッグの作業になかなか慣れてきた今日この頃。繊細におおらかに書かれたバグだらけのコードをデバッグするには不可欠。今日はAppleのAPIで生成されたオブジェクトがフリーされてない問題を解決した。いや、一瞬たりとも「アップルのバグか?」とか全然これっぽっちも思ってなかったけど、やっぱり問題は自分でUITextViewに空のNSStringを入れようとしてたみたいでそれがMalloc 160 bytesを蓄積してた。結果、毎分100KBぐらいのリークが発生しててこの数週間悩まされてたんだぜぇ〜。初代iPhoneだと15分ぐらいでクラッシュするという始末。明日はまた違うリークを解決するぞと。
It was inevitable to learn how to use Instruments due to my buggy-awesomeness-code-of-doom. I found a huge bug where a memory wasn't being freed by Apple's API because I was trying to paste a blank string to a UITextView. This didn't show up in the Leaks Instruments, but it was living forever which could be observed through Object Allocations. It was about 100KB per minute, which adds up over time and crashes the app.
And finally, more progress is yet to come.
進行、 進展、前進するのみ。Instrumentsを使ったデバッグの作業になかなか慣れてきた今日この頃。繊細におおらかに書かれたバグだらけのコードをデバッグするには不可欠。今日はAppleのAPIで生成されたオブジェクトがフリーされてない問題を解決した。いや、一瞬たりとも「アップルのバグか?」とか全然これっぽっちも思ってなかったけど、やっぱり問題は自分でUITextViewに空のNSStringを入れようとしてたみたいでそれがMalloc 160 bytesを蓄積してた。結果、毎分100KBぐらいのリークが発生しててこの数週間悩まされてたんだぜぇ〜。初代iPhoneだと15分ぐらいでクラッシュするという始末。明日はまた違うリークを解決するぞと。
The game is actually a game
After all the core game system working, I've been pretty much making data, and making events now. And all of a sudden, the thing is actually a game! It's an interesting shift in the whole development process. I'm having fun making characters and their personality, what they say and how they play in the game. I haven't had any break from this for 15 days. Crazy.
Almost ready for testing...
I've been saying this for about 2 weeks now, but for real this time. I've been preparing bunch of data for monsters, items, and tomorrow I'll work on Magic and Skills to test. I organize my data on Google Spreadsheet, I then spit out a CSV file and parse it using a PHP script I wrote. I feel more comfortable doing this than making a XML file and reading it through XML parser in Objective-C. PHP is so much easier... I also wonder how much more difficult it is to hack an xml file than hard coded data.
あとちょっとでテストプレイできるぐらいまで来た。ってもう2週間ほど言ってるような気がする。。この二日間はモンスターデータ、とアイテムデータを前半分ぐらいまでつくってる。明日は技と魔法をつくるかな。このすべてのデータをGoogle Spreadsheetで管理していて、CSVに吐き出して自分で書いたPHPスクリプトでパースしてる。Objective-CでXMLやCSVをパースするよりはるかに簡単のような気がする。XMLとハードコードはどっちがハックするの難しいのかな。
あとちょっとでテストプレイできるぐらいまで来た。ってもう2週間ほど言ってるような気がする。。この二日間はモンスターデータ、とアイテムデータを前半分ぐらいまでつくってる。明日は技と魔法をつくるかな。このすべてのデータをGoogle Spreadsheetで管理していて、CSVに吐き出して自分で書いたPHPスクリプトでパースしてる。Objective-CでXMLやCSVをパースするよりはるかに簡単のような気がする。XMLとハードコードはどっちがハックするの難しいのかな。
Debugging spree
Crazy days! Debugging like hell. I've found out about Clang, a free and useful debugging tool for Xcode, but then I found out about the new Build and Analyze menu which pretty much does the same thing as Clang. I'm using both Instruments and that menu to debug my app. It was crashing like crazy 3 days ago, but now my app is running way better. I'm getting memory warning after about 10 minutes of playing. Need to release the objects more properly.
怒濤のデバッグ日和!デバッグツールにはかかせないClangを知り、そしてXcodeについてくるBuild and Analyzeのメニューを知った。どっちもにたようなことをするので今はInstrumentsとそれを使ってる。3日前は死ぬほどクラッシュしてたけど今は10分ほどプレイしてるとメモリー警告メッセージがくるだけ。ちょっとは安心したけど、どこでどうメモリーリークしてるのかを発見しないとまたこれ進まんな。
怒濤のデバッグ日和!デバッグツールにはかかせないClangを知り、そしてXcodeについてくるBuild and Analyzeのメニューを知った。どっちもにたようなことをするので今はInstrumentsとそれを使ってる。3日前は死ぬほどクラッシュしてたけど今は10分ほどプレイしてるとメモリー警告メッセージがくるだけ。ちょっとは安心したけど、どこでどうメモリーリークしてるのかを発見しないとまたこれ進まんな。
Graph of hours spent
This is the graph of hours I've been spending on this game. I keep track of it in Google Docs.
開発時間を記録したグラフ。Google Docsで管理。
Jus getting things done. I think I finally see the end. I'll probably have the game playable for testing within this two weeks. The tweaking of the data for good game balance is going to be just a whole another task. The event system I put in seems to be working, it's just that coming up with story and the balance of it is another task.
Events and NPC
I had some kick ass day today. Implementing events and NPC was not an easy task at all but still got stuff done. I think I got the base core working. Now just for the little bits.
Snow Leopard, more skills and magic
I spent all day installing Snow Leopard and Xcode 3., Snow Leopard iPhone SDK, and everything else. I'm back on track today with more magics and skills. I think I'm going to have to call the skills the Techniques since the Magic and them fall under the category of Skills. Hmm, this might cause some problem later on.
昨日は一日中Snow Leopardインストールと他のソフトのインストールした。ゲームのシステムはできてきたものの、ゲームバランスが絶対難しくなる。
昨日は一日中Snow Leopardインストールと他のソフトのインストールした。ゲームのシステムはできてきたものの、ゲームバランスが絶対難しくなる。
Heal magic working
What the title says.
Gotta get both the magic and techniques working within two days.
Gonna kick some ass.
Gotta get both the magic and techniques working within two days.
Gonna kick some ass.
Skills and magic
Been busy lately with other things. I started implementing skills and magic for the players. The monster's side is pretty much done. So far so good.
Effect view
The icons of the effect of the spells and skills are working now. I had a problem trying to use the method copy. I still need to dig further into memory management. It's kind of scary what I'm going to run into. Maybe I'll end up with a huge memory leak problem.. it looks ok now.
A lot done
I have no idea how many little things I got done this week. I got the effects of armor, shield, and ring done. Fixed some bugs and found some more, just some solid working days.
Rings and armors
Rings will increase your stats, and armors will have effects for you to become immune to certain attacks such as poison, sleep, etc. Just going through bunch of states, flags, and if statements. Maybe the shield will reflect certain attacks like fire or something. This is the most enjoyable time in making games is when I'm thinking about the game design. Actually, not all game designs are fun though...
Monster magics
Now some monsters are casting magics using their MPs. This is pretty cool that they have some basic AI.
Finished making the looting system and moving on and fixing some random bugs.
Next up, monster magic skills.
Next up, monster magic skills.
Looting items
Before I dive in to the big decision making that I mentioned about in the last post, I decided to make the looting system after the battle. What's a RPG without looting off the monsters? I almost forgot about the importance of this feature. It makes it fun to encounter certain enemies when you know that they loot something you want.
Decision before proceeding
I think I fixed the battle system today.. so happy.. Now I need to decide the core game system whether the player will start from level 1 every death, or will they retain their level but get a penalty from death. I need to make this decision now otherwise I can't code for magic spells and what not.
今日戦闘システムのバグを直した。たぶん直せたはず。今のところは問題なく動いてる。めっちゃ嬉しくて今日は気分がよくなった(笑) というところで次に進むためにはゲームのコアな部分の設計をしないといけない。死んでしまうとレベル1からまた始まるのか、ペナルティをうけるだけなのか、これで全然作り勝手がかわってしまう。ゲームデザイン。。このゲームはちょこちょこやってレベル上げていく系のような気がするのでたぶんそうするかなぁ。
今日戦闘システムのバグを直した。たぶん直せたはず。今のところは問題なく動いてる。めっちゃ嬉しくて今日は気分がよくなった(笑) というところで次に進むためにはゲームのコアな部分の設計をしないといけない。死んでしまうとレベル1からまた始まるのか、ペナルティをうけるだけなのか、これで全然作り勝手がかわってしまう。ゲームデザイン。。このゲームはちょこちょこやってレベル上げていく系のような気がするのでたぶんそうするかなぁ。
Some thinking
Needing to plan a better system for the battle, I decided to go to the beach and just think.
Xcode tips #2
I posted before that command + double clicking on a word shows the header files, but you can also do this on your own code also. It is extremely handy if you want to quickly jump to certain method you wrote just by holding down command and double clicking on it.
If you Option click on an Apple's API, it brings up the Documentation and searches it, saving you time to actually bringing up the Documentation and typing what you want to search for.
If you Option click on an Apple's API, it brings up the Documentation and searches it, saving you time to actually bringing up the Documentation and typing what you want to search for.
Target enemy after item use
I've worked on the "choose your target" interface for the items that need it like when I use a smoke bomb, users need to tap an enemy as a target. Since I didn't design with all these features in mind from the beginning, which is a big mistake, is getting more complicated to implement new systems. I wish I new better from the beginning, but you gotta learn it somehow, right? I knew that being scalable and making for expansion in mind is better, but I just didn't know how to go about doing that. Learning it the hard way..! I can take it...! (hurrah...)
Enemy skills revisited
Back on implementing enemy skills. Skills are easier to do than magics since it's going to be just descriptive attacks and perhaps possibility of doing random hits and damages. I'm going to have to implement MP and attributes of the magic spells.
とりあえず十分な絵はそろったのでまた敵のスキルのプログラミングへスイッチ。消費MPや魔法の属性などのプログラミングはまだやってない。ん〜。なんか若干萎えるなぁ。(笑) やっぱりプレイヤーも敵も魔法使ったほうが楽しいし、なかったらクソゲーすぎるし。しかしこれ、マゾゲートップ10に入りそうやなぁ。
とりあえず十分な絵はそろったのでまた敵のスキルのプログラミングへスイッチ。消費MPや魔法の属性などのプログラミングはまだやってない。ん〜。なんか若干萎えるなぁ。(笑) やっぱりプレイヤーも敵も魔法使ったほうが楽しいし、なかったらクソゲーすぎるし。しかしこれ、マゾゲートップ10に入りそうやなぁ。
And more monster..
Completely went to town on drawing monsters. Now I have total of 38 monsters! I need to do at least 5 more. Then I think I'm going to be back on programming for a while again.
More monster art
My goal is to get at least 5 monster art per day. I got 26 done so far. I want at least little more than 30.
Orc art
I'm switching to drawing the enemy art since I have most of the background art done. I've always wanted to draw the good old orc.
I have 11 more background art to go. These last ones should be more time consuming since it's going to have inorganic features.
Wacom back!
Back on track with a Wacom tablet! I got the model called Bamboo Fun, the medium sized one. At first, the rough surface felt a little awkward to me, but I got used to it after ten minutes. It was under $150 refurbished, it's doing its job. I wonder why the other ones cost so much.
Wacomタブレット、新しいやつが来た日。Bamboo Funの中サイズのやつをゲット。Graphire3より表面がざらざらで最初は気持ち悪かったけど10分ほどで慣れた。150ドル以下で買えたけど高いやつってどこまで性能違うのか考える。まぁなんでもいいけどこれでまた絵が描けるぜよ。とさっそく好きなポッドキャストを聞きながら絵を描き始めた。
BOOL in an Array, casting class type
BOOL aBool;
NSMutableArray *aMutableArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], nil];
aBool = [(NSNumber *)[aMutableArray objectAtIndex:0] boolValue];
Hot day is no good
Continuing on with implementing the enemy skills. I want to make it so that I can assign monsters certain skills such as Bite, Headbutt, Daydream. But these need to be delivered with different sets of probability. It is hot today and I cannot seem to concentrate and didn't get much done. Doh. I ordered a new Wacom tablet though. I got the medium sized Bamboo Fun silver. It had good review so I'm guessing it's not going to betray me.
Enemy skills
My body is all sore from playing ultimate frisbee.
I'm making a list of enemy skills now. Enemies will be casting magics but more importantly, they have to do some weird things that monsters do. How do I put that out better. I suck at writing. I'm using Google Doc's Spreadsheet to organize things like this.
Anyways, my Wacom tablet is still broken, and I'm waiting for the reply from Wacom's support department. I might as well just get the new one maybe. But they are still expensive..
モンスタースキルを作り始めた。魔法も使えるモンスターもいるけどやっぱりモンスターと言えば人間離れした独特な攻撃をしてくるのが醍醐味。文字だけやけど、雰囲気は出るでしょう。Google Docsのスプレッドシートでこういうリストをとりあえず作っていく。
I'm making a list of enemy skills now. Enemies will be casting magics but more importantly, they have to do some weird things that monsters do. How do I put that out better. I suck at writing. I'm using Google Doc's Spreadsheet to organize things like this.
Anyways, my Wacom tablet is still broken, and I'm waiting for the reply from Wacom's support department. I might as well just get the new one maybe. But they are still expensive..
モンスタースキルを作り始めた。魔法も使えるモンスターもいるけどやっぱりモンスターと言えば人間離れした独特な攻撃をしてくるのが醍醐味。文字だけやけど、雰囲気は出るでしょう。Google Docsのスプレッドシートでこういうリストをとりあえず作っていく。
34/50 art.. and Wacom broke..!?
Right when I was about to finish drawing the 34th background art, my Wacom tablet completely cut off on me! I was just painting like usual. This could be my first time anything ever broke on me.. I had Graphire3 that's probably about 4 years old, but never really used it often until this project. What could go so wrong? Now I need to buy a new one.. Another unexpected expense..
29/50 art
More painting backgrounds. Is hue, saturation, brightness is all you need to paint..?
On top of that, there's reflection, the surface material, and air density.
I wonder what else there are.
Art, art, art...
I've been drawing all day today, or rather painting in Photoshop. Without a doubt, I'm getting better at painting these things. It's fun. The good thing about drawing is that I get to listen to Podcast or something verbal instead of just music. When I'm programming, no words come into my head. I wonder what part of the brain is responsible for this. I heard that left brain is responsible for logical, analytical, rational things, and right brain is for intuitive, art, things like that.
Redoing battle system from scratch...?
I might have to redo the programming for the battle system from ground up. It turns out that my initial approach to doing this wasn't so good, I pretty much knew that it wasn't a great way to begin with, but as the battle gets more complicated, the harder it is to add more features. It feels too clunky as it is now, so it might be a good time to commit this.
Poison attack!
Now I got some poison attacks going on. There will be items and weapon that will do poison damage. Some monsters will have these too. I'm also drawing art as always. It's so much fun to do the art... Only when I can do it right really quick.
Excel data..
I tried to export the Excel spreadsheet of items and monsters to a text format I wanted. I couldn't seem to figure it out. Do I use macros or is there any better way... Does anybody know?
Carried away with painting..
I've spend all day drawing today. It is quite fun. The good thing about drawing and painting is that it is possible to get better at it, to a certain degree, even if you don't paint. By observing the everyday life and how light hits the surface and think about the bouncing of the light rays, you'll understand why it emits certain colors. Maybe it is the same for programming too.
#pragma mark
This little tip will help you organize your code. It creates sections with bold fonts in your method pop ups like in the screenshot.
#pragma mark Whatever you want to say
Background art
Painted my first original background in Photoshop. I think I'm go for the quick and easy way for these although they don't look quite as nice.. Maybe I'll touch it up later. Basically I draw a rough sketch using Wacom tablet, then I start painting with opacity set to about 50% for the brushes, this way, it'll give me the watercolor look and feel to it. I haven't done this in years...
if([myObject isKindOfClass:[UIView class]])
This gets pretty handy, the isKindOfClass: method. It's self explanatory, it gives you a boolean of whether if it is a certain class or not. I usually use it when I have random classes in an array and wants to do something with a specific class.
NSMutableArray *anArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
UIView *aView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 20, 100, 100)];
[anArray addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:284]];
[anArray addObject: aView];
[anArray addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"a string"]];
for (id aObject in anArray){
if([aObject isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]){
NSLog(@"aObject is a UIView: %@", aObject);
More battle stuff
Back on track again. (hopefully) I think the game is playable now even though it is a bit slow still. I had to compromise the blinking animation when the monsters get hit.
So I got the attribute attacks working now. Monsters are put to sleep when they get hit with weapon that have sleeping attribute to it. But for some reason, the other monsters that didn't get hit are put to sleep. Nooo..
So I got the attribute attacks working now. Monsters are put to sleep when they get hit with weapon that have sleeping attribute to it. But for some reason, the other monsters that didn't get hit are put to sleep. Nooo..
Hit the first wall
Weird bugs and technical difficulty slowed my development process for a couple of days. It works fine on the simulator, but the movement is a bit sluggish on the iPhone. I should have any problem with speed since my game is not based on action. Arghh..
I can pass in some strings as a parameter and then have it perform the selector method in the passed in method.
- (void)performThis:(NSString *)aString {
SEL aSelector = NSSelectorFromString(aString);
[self performSelector:aSelector withObject:nil afterDelay:2];
For some reason, I had the code below when I can just do [self addToBattleTextView:aString].
This was causing the thread to redraw the battle text in an arbitrary order. I don't need multiple threads for my game, bad idea for me to use it! It might have been ok if I had the waitUntilDone:YES, but I'm still novice to use multiple threads. Plus there's no good reason for me to use multiple threads at this point.
This was causing the thread to redraw the battle text in an arbitrary order. I don't need multiple threads for my game, bad idea for me to use it! It might have been ok if I had the waitUntilDone:YES, but I'm still novice to use multiple threads. Plus there's no good reason for me to use multiple threads at this point.
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addToBattleTextView:) withObject:aString waitUntilDone:NO];
Attribute attack and some problem with array
I'm starting to implement the attribute attacks, like attacking with a weapon to put enemies into sleep, which is going well. But I think I got a problem with something different here.. I'm having hard time putting the A, B, C after the enemies names when they are the same kind of monsters. It should be easy! The challenge comes from the fact that the monsters are displayed in a arbitrary order. Pulling my hair out in a graceful way.
Fixing things..
Always fixing things... bugs, but not even bugs maybe.
Side slash, diagonal slash, crush, are implemented. They do different damage and stuff.
Side slash, diagonal slash, crush, are implemented. They do different damage and stuff.
Swipe slash
Implemented the first swipe slash attack. These swipe gestures will do different attacking style like slash, hack, pound, etc.
Damage number animation, scroll attack
Implemented damage number animation on top of enemies. For now, the more damage you do, the bigger the number it gets.
Also, the scroll attack to all enemies actually does damage and kills them. Attacking multiple enemies is the best thing!
Also, the scroll attack to all enemies actually does damage and kills them. Attacking multiple enemies is the best thing!
Xcode tips
Command + double clicking on it shows the header file.
Attack multiple enemies at once
Starting to implement the ways to attack more than one enemy at a time. I already have this set up with the dragging the finger across the screen to "slash" the monsters from different directions. Now I need to actually make it attack. Thinking about displaying the damage number above monsters instead of just having it in the scroll view.
Level up, player death
Player actually gains level, and they now die. I had a hard time adjusting the size of the xp bar as they are collected. Be careful of the UIIView's clipsToBounds, they should be set to YES if you want to resize its bounds and frame. Wasted about 1 hour why my view wasn't changing its size.
Xcode keyboard shortcut tips
Here are three simple Xcode keyboard short cut tips.
1) The Escape key for bringing up suggestion commands for specific class.
2) Command + Shift + D lets you quickly view the header file of highlighted class.
3) Command + Option + Shift + ? opens up the Documentation. This Documentation gets very very handy.
1) The Escape key for bringing up suggestion commands for specific class.
2) Command + Shift + D lets you quickly view the header file of highlighted class.
3) Command + Option + Shift + ? opens up the Documentation. This Documentation gets very very handy.
Critical hit
Implemented critical hit for both player and monsters. Tweaking little detail as always.
MVC, Singleton, Delegate, NSNotificationCenter
It's hard to come up with a correct design pattern for you program. One of the useful one is NSNotificationCenter where you can access a selector from anywhere in your code.
Create a notification:
Call it from anywhere in your code:
Create a notification:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(myMethod) name:@"myNotification" object:nil];
Call it from anywhere in your code:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"myNotification" object:nil userInfo:nil];
Sell items
I finally implemented selling items at the shop. Added in info button for the items so that will will display detailed view of each items. It's an little property called accessoryView in UITableViewCell.
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
UIButton *anAccessory = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
UIImage *aImage = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"icon_info" ofType:@"png"]];
[anAccessory setBackgroundImage:aImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
anAccessory.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 24, 24);
anAccessory.showsTouchWhenHighlighted = YES;
[anAccessory addTarget:self action:@selector(tappedAccessory:withEvent:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
anAccessory.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
cell.accessoryView = anAccessory;
- (void)tappedAccessory:(UIControl *)button withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.theTableView indexPathForRowAtPoint: [[[event touchesForView: button] anyObject] locationInView: self.theTableView]];
NSLog(@"%i", indexPath.row);
Custom icon in UITableViewCell
Added icons by the items to indicate the item category such as weapons, armors, items, etc.
API made it really easy to do this.
Inside this method in your UITableViewController:
...put this:
API made it really easy to do this.
Inside this method in your UITableViewController:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
...put this:
UIImage *aIconImage = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"some_image" ofType:@"png"]];
cell.imageView.image = aIconImage;
Getting images from your photo library is as easy as about... 10 lines of code. I was pretty impressed how the API made it so easy. I'm putting in some player profile picture feature in there.
@interface StatusViewController : UIViewController <UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate> {
- (IBAction)showImagePicker:(id)sender
UIImagePickerController *imagePickerController = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
imagePickerController.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary;
imagePickerController.delegate = self;
imagePickerController.allowsImageEditing = YES;
[self presentModalViewController:imagePickerController animated:YES];
[imagePickerController release];
- (void)imagePickerControllerDidCancel:(UIImagePickerController *)picker
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Getting things done...
Just did a little today, just getting little detailed things done like coming up with standard button size for the entire game, etc. I'm also going to add image picker for player's character, so the player can shoot and choose their own character's picture.
Rest, treasure chest, etc.
Tons of little things done. Now resting is possible in an empty room, and there's chances you'll find a treasure chest. Still only know about 90% of the retain, copy, release business.
いっぱいできた。空の部屋で休むことが可能。宝箱も見つかることもあるかも。またメモリー関係の自分のバグで足を止められる。retain, copy, releaseがまだ90%しかわかってないかな。
いっぱいできた。空の部屋で休むことが可能。宝箱も見つかることもあるかも。またメモリー関係の自分のバグで足を止められる。retain, copy, releaseがまだ90%しかわかってないかな。
Some math for the first time!
I've never had to use more than arithmetic in before, but today I had to use arc cosine for the first time.
I'm drawing a line that from point A to point B, and below is the equation I had to use. Awesome stuff.
I'm drawing a line that from point A to point B, and below is the equation I had to use. Awesome stuff.
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint currentTouchPosition = [touch locationInView:self.view];
float deltaX2 = originalPoint.x - currentTouchPosition.x;
float deltaY2 = fabsf(originalPoint.y - currentTouchPosition.y);
float c = sqrt( pow(deltaY2,2) + pow(deltaX2,2));
float radian = acos( (deltaX2 / c ) );
if(originalPoint.y < currentTouchPosition.y) radian = -radian;
CGAffineTransform transformRadian = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(radian);
theSlash.transform = transformRadian;
Run button working
Now I can run away from the monsters. Also, depending on which floor and room you are on, the encounter situation changes to battle, shop, NPC, empty room, etc. I have yet to implement the NPC part.
Next floor...
Now I can go to next floor, but the buttons and the stairs image won't disappear. I need to removeFromSuperview somewhere.
Added system button
Now all the buttons on the bottom, Item, Status, System, are placed appropriately. I might add Skill/Magic or something like that later on. I found a bug where a subclassed UITextView does not receive the touchesEnded method. The bug has been filed by other guy at the developer's forum.
アイテム、ステータス、の二つのボタンに一つ追加したのがシステムボタン。戦闘中メッセージスピードの調節をしたりメニューに戻れるようにする。メニューに戻った際にはmemory leakが大変。UITextViewをサブクラスしたときにtouchesEndedが呼ばれないバグを発見。デベロッパーフォーラムで誰かがバグをリポートしてた。バグってまだまだあるんやねぇ。
アイテム、ステータス、の二つのボタンに一つ追加したのがシステムボタン。戦闘中メッセージスピードの調節をしたりメニューに戻れるようにする。メニューに戻った際にはmemory leakが大変。UITextViewをサブクラスしたときにtouchesEndedが呼ばれないバグを発見。デベロッパーフォーラムで誰かがバグをリポートしてた。バグってまだまだあるんやねぇ。
Object allocations / memory leak
I've been fighting this almost all day today. It seems like it's not deallocating my game object correctly. After every battle, my game allocates extra 1MB as you can see in the picture. My allocation is like a stairway. How do I fix this...
UIImage cache or not to cache
There are different ways to display images. Cached or not cached. Apple employee at the forum said NOT to use the cache way, which is the + (UIImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name method in UIImage.
UIImageで絵をロードする時はキャッシュするやり方、 (UIImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name 、よりしないやり方のほうがいいらしい。
UIImageで絵をロードする時はキャッシュするやり方、 (UIImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name 、よりしないやり方のほうがいいらしい。
NSString *aFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"mypicture" ofType:@"png"];
UIImage *aImage = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:aFilePath];
UIImageView *aImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:aImage];
Testing on device
This is my first time testing this app on my iPhone. I've waited because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to use the apps that I had on my iPhone OS 2.2.1, I couldn't downgrade. I had to upgrade my SDK to the latest beta, which caused a little change but fixed it in 15 minutes. It's working nicely on my iPhone now, it looks good.
iPhoneにインストールしてテスト。iPhone 2.2.1にダウングレードできないためちょっとためらいがあったけど、とりあえずはうまくいってるようなので一安心。間違って今まで撮ってた写真を全部消去してしまい、オウマイガ。はっはっは、笑ってすませようやないかぁ。
iPhoneにインストールしてテスト。iPhone 2.2.1にダウングレードできないためちょっとためらいがあったけど、とりあえずはうまくいってるようなので一安心。間違って今まで撮ってた写真を全部消去してしまい、オウマイガ。はっはっは、笑ってすませようやないかぁ。
Bug found in Cocoa Touch
I can use Potion after battle now. Fixed two bugs.
In UITableView, when you swipe a row, the "Delete" comes up. But then you can't select any of the rows afterwards. The code below fixes the problem. Forums and Google is always my friend. :)
戦闘後でもポーションが使えるようになった。2つのバグ修正。UITableViewで行をスワイプすると「解除」ボタンが表れる。その後にビューがまったく反応しなくなる。解決は下。フォーラムとグーグル様々です。m(_ _ )m
In UITableView, when you swipe a row, the "Delete" comes up. But then you can't select any of the rows afterwards. The code below fixes the problem. Forums and Google is always my friend. :)
戦闘後でもポーションが使えるようになった。2つのバグ修正。UITableViewで行をスワイプすると「解除」ボタンが表れる。その後にビューがまったく反応しなくなる。解決は下。フォーラムとグーグル様々です。m(_ _ )m
myTableView.alwaysBounceVertical = NO;
myTableView.scrollEnabled = YES;
Problem solved...
The problem I had last night was solved in like 5 minutes today. I guess you can't think right when you are tired. Eat well, play well, work well, sleep well.
Battle: Item usage
Items can be used during battle, but you cannot change equipment. I'm having problem using up the turn when the player uses the item. It sounds like a simple thing! UIAlertView is so handy. I wish I could customize the design though.
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil message:@"This is UIAlertView" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OKotherButtonTitles:nil];
[alert show];
[alert release];
This page is so narrow..
I was looking for a simple design like this but with more width template than this one. I don't have time to make my own template.
Update: Ended up fixing it myself. I might have wasted my time.. This area was only 435px, so small!
Update: Ended up fixing it myself. I might have wasted my time.. This area was only 435px, so small!
Battle, base done
Now I can attack monsters, defeat them, and move on to next room. No concept of rooms yet though. Players are still gods, can't die. XP and gold obtained after battle. I put some dummy sounds and music. Sure adds flavor to the game.
LanguageManager class
So I ended up writing my custom class called LanguageManager, which just holds all the strings that need to be translated and returns the strings.
I wonder if there's any better way...
[LanguageManager translate:@"Start"];
+ (NSString *)translate:(NSString *)aString {
Settings *gameSettings = [Settings getInstance];
if (gameSettings.languageSettings == 0) return aString; // if user setting is English
if (gameSettings.languageSettings == 1){ //if user setting is Japanese
if(aString == @"Start") return @"スタート";
if(aString == @"Continue") return @"コンティニュー";
I wonder if there's any better way...
Localization research
I've figured out how to do localization for the game before, but I wanted it so users (or me) can switch the language on the fly instead of going to the iPhone Settings.
Some helpful links:
To get what language the user is using:
Some helpful links:
To get what language the user is using:
NSArray *languages = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
NSString *currentLanguage = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"Current Locale: %@", [[NSLocale currentLocale] localeIdentifier]);
NSLog(@"Current language: %@", currentLanguage);
NSLog(@"Welcome Text: %@", NSLocalizedString(@"TitleKey", @""));
Battle coding...
I think the battle system is working OK even though the code is very ugly... The more agility you have, the more attack you do.
This code would've saved me a million times if I knew this earlier... Often times, I need to execute something after X seconds.
This code would've saved me a million times if I knew this earlier... Often times, I need to execute something after X seconds.
[self performSelector:@selector(battle02:) withObject:NO afterDelay:1];
NSThread, NSTimer
I need a good way to display these battle messages with little delay like 1 second. NSThread and NSTimer were my options. It seems to be working.
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.3];
// do stuff here
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addToBattleTextView:) withObject:aString waitUntilDone:NO];
[pool release];
Battle system
Brainstorming for battle system. How should it decide who attacks first. When one reaches 100 agility.
Battle message: UITextView
Using UITextView for displaying battle message that scrolls. "Encountered enemies!" is the first one.
1 to 7 monsters
Successfully chose and displayed the 1 through 7 monsters, skipping 5.
Monster array
I guess I was having trouble displaying them on the screen with arbitrary numbers.
More monsters
I forgot what I worked on about monsters haha.
Monster encounter!
Now the player encounters monsters! But can't do anything yet...
Using NSKeyedUnarchiver to save player data and item data as an alternative to NSUserDefaults. I've read that NSUserDefaults isn't the best for storing huge amounts of data. Actually, the reason I migrated to NSKeyedUnarchiver is because I couldn't save some object or an array using NSUserDefaults. Now I can save the items I've purchased from the store. Learned how to use enum.
theData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:dataFilePath];
decoder = [[NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc] initForReadingWithData:theData];
Player *tempPlayer = [decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"playerData"];
- (void)savePlayerStateBeforeTerminate {
Player *player = [Player getInstance];
Player *tempPlayer = [[Player alloc] init];
tempPlayer = player;
NSMutableData *theData;
NSKeyedArchiver *encoder;
theData = [NSMutableData data];
encoder = [[NSKeyedArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData:theData];
[encoder encodeObject:tempPlayer forKey:@"playerData"];
[encoder finishEncoding];
[theData writeToFile:dataFilePath atomically:YES];
[encoder release];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder
playerLevel = [decoder decodeIntegerForKey:@"playerLevel"];
playerFloor = [decoder decodeIntegerForKey:@"playerFloor"];
playerRoom = [decoder decodeIntegerForKey:@"playerRoom"];
return self;
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder {
//[super encodeWithCoder:coder];
[coder encodeInt:playerLevel forKey:@"playerLevel"];
[coder encodeInt:playerFloor forKey:@"playerFloor"];
Shop and Item window done
They are located in the bottom screen, it slides up smoothly when you tap it. You can sort and delete the list also with the now familiar user interface Apple came up with. Weapon and armor now equippable.
UITableViewController and copy, hooray!
Managed to use UITableViewController alright. I understood the concept of the copy method. I needed to copy the object with a new pointer from the items list. Before, I was just copying the pointer. It took me 3 hours of research how to copy object properly.
UITableViewControllerうまくいった。newItem = [aItem copy]しないとだめと気づく&リサーチで3時間ぐらいかかった。
UITableViewControllerうまくいった。newItem = [aItem copy]しないとだめと気づく&リサーチで3時間ぐらいかかった。
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
id aCopy = [[[self class] alloc] init];
[aCopy setItemAbundancyPercent:[self itemAbundancyPercent]];
[aCopy setItemPrice:[self itemPrice]];
[aCopy setItemCategory:[self itemCategory]];
[aCopy setItemName:[self itemName]];
[aCopy setItemWeapon:[self itemWeapon]];
[aCopy setEffectPower:[self effectPower]];
[aCopy setItemAttributeNumber:[self itemAttributeNumber]];
[aCopy setItemDescription:[self itemDescription]];
[aCopy setIsEquipped:[self isEquipped]];
return aCopy;
More buy more Stanford video
I decided to use UITableViewController for listing items and such. I was just using UIButtons and UILabels before.. it was such an mess. I watched 3 more Stanford videos. The weapons won't get chosen randomly, why? Couldn't sleep til 6am.
Buyを押すとUITableViewControllerでリストすることにした。Stanford のクラスのビデオも3つ見る。朝6時まで寝れなかった。武器のアイテムがランダムにならないので苦戦。
Buyを押すとUITableViewControllerでリストすることにした。Stanford のクラスのビデオも3つ見る。朝6時まで寝れなかった。武器のアイテムがランダムにならないので苦戦。
Move on to the dungeon
Once you hit the "Done" button, the "Enter Dungeon" comes up and goes to 1F of the dungeon.
Listing random item from a NSArray
I listed random items that are going to be in the store, but this logic doesn't seem like a fast one.. Maybe I'll post some code when I have time... Click on the item, and the item gets added to the itemsArray in Player class.
Store guy
Store guy comes up, he starts to talk one letter at a time. This animation make it look like he's really talking.
Made ShopViewController for buying items and goods.
MVC pattern and Singleton
How do I access ItemViewController from GameViewController? Protocol and delegate? I still don't know how to do the MVC pattern right. Using singleton for Player stats and stuff...
+ (Player *) getInstance
static Player *myInstance = nil;
if( myInstance == nil ){
myInstance = [[Player alloc] init];
return myInstance;
Begin, code name "Dungeon(仮)"
Started coding like a maniac. I've brainstormed with my friends over beer while I was still in Japan. That boosted my juice to make this game.
-Watched 6 of the first Stanford class videos on iTunes U. These are great.
-Use NSUserDefaults to save user settings such as music and sound toggle.
-Choose between gender, race, class, and your name.
-Made a SoundManager class with AVAudioPlayer.
- タイトル画面の設置
- Optionsでsoundとmusicのtoggle。NSUserDefaultsで保存。
- 設定はSettingsのsingletonクラス。
- Otherのボタンは他のゲームとかホームページへのリンクなど。
- スタートボタンを押すと、性別、種族、職業、名前を選ぶ。
- musicとsoundのクラスファイル、SoundManagerを作った。AVAudioPlayerを使用。
Is this the best way to do this?
-Watched 6 of the first Stanford class videos on iTunes U. These are great.
-Use NSUserDefaults to save user settings such as music and sound toggle.
-Choose between gender, race, class, and your name.
-Made a SoundManager class with AVAudioPlayer.
- タイトル画面の設置
- Optionsでsoundとmusicのtoggle。NSUserDefaultsで保存。
- 設定はSettingsのsingletonクラス。
- Otherのボタンは他のゲームとかホームページへのリンクなど。
- スタートボタンを押すと、性別、種族、職業、名前を選ぶ。
- musicとsoundのクラスファイル、SoundManagerを作った。AVAudioPlayerを使用。
aFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"music_title" ofType:@"aif"];
titleBgmAudioPlayer = [[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:aFilePath] error:NULL] retain];
titleBgmAudioPlayer.delegate = self;
titleBgmAudioPlayer.numberOfLoops = -1;
[titleBgmAudioPlayer prepareToPlay];
- (void)playTitleBGM {
if([(NSString *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"SettingsMusicSwitch"] isEqualToString:@"YES"]){
titleBgmAudioPlayer.volume = gameSettings.musicVolumeSettings;
[titleBgmAudioPlayer play];
[soundManager playTitleBGM];
Is this the best way to do this?
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