
Still Updating

I've recently moved my server code to Amazon Web Services, we'll see how it turns out. I've been keeping my project clean and up to date with latest OS lately. Trying to get new features in there but requires a lot of time. Getting rid of slacks. 最近サーバーをAWSに以降しました。新フィーチャー作りたいのは山々やけどなかなかこれというアイデアが浮かばず。新OSに対応するのとバグ修正が精一杯な今日この頃。アプリ的になかなかしまってきてる。


  1. Hey, love the game, been playing since 2010.
    I've noticed some bugs such as the forge button not appearing sometimes on the lady.
    But a suggestion: add more stat options, because the scaling gets too outof hand at higher DLvl's, and you can't really keep up with the monsters on a reasonable level. So I have to resort to massive maaaaasaive farm trips for ore.

    But one other problem I see is the pub. I have a level 160 who never gets hired out. And when I do go into the pub, there is rarely anyone above level 30, save the NPC's.

    Anyways, keep up the great work.

    1. Thanks for the comment!
      Both are valid points, I need to do something about it. Only if I had time...! :( Keeping it up to date with current iOS is keeping me busy enough.
      I appreciate your support.
