

It's been a while since my last post! With the limited time I have with my two kids and full time job, I managed to release a feature a few months ago. This new feature will let you fish enemies and bring them to fight with you. I work on Dungeons & Such and other side project in the commute train, which is about 40 minutes a day. If I get lucky and am up for it, I can work on it at home. Next step is to fix bugs (that my customers found, thx) around fishing and other areas, and make it compatible for iPhone 6 and 6+. ハイ、前回の投稿からかなりの時間が経ってます。子供二人の世話とフルタイムの仕事の日々の中、敵を釣竿で釣るというフィーチャーを作りました。たったこのアイデアひとつで3、4ヶ月はかかったかな。なんせ毎日通勤時間40分ぐらいしかやってなかったので。 とりあえず今からはお客様の声に反映して見つけてもらったバグ(感謝です)などを修正したりしたいと思います。あとはiPhone 6/6+の対応かな。


  1. Love the game, thanks!
    Keep encountering a bug where even though I have all the stones either in storage or on my person the hill option doesn't show up, any thoughts on how to sort that?

  2. Hi Ray, thanks for the post! You can also email me through the app too. You might want to go to the cathedral to show your stone to the magic master. If you've already done that and it's still not working, it might be a bug that I don't know about that.

  3. Enjoying the game. :) just letting u know that I'm getting a bug. Error: Code 4. It's a pop up that doesn't seem to stop te game but pops up a lot.

  4. Thank you for the report! I'll try to get rid of it.

  5. I can't stop this game! It is wonderful. Thank you for putting the time into it! I would like to let you know of two small items that might need some help. One is that the fight text does not scroll, so all that appears are the first two rounds. Second, the fishing seems to not be working. I think maybe a video of how it is supposed to be working may help.

    1. Hi Paul, thank you for your message! I've put a fix for the scrolling issue and submitted to Apple. I'll look into the fishing issue soon. I appreciate your help.
