
Version 2.1 submitted

I managed to crank out some of the best features. Eyes twitching and stuff. I would prefer not to make the game any more complicated for this isn't my main goal. User feedback is the main drive at this point. I'm going to start enjoying the time with my wife and son from tomorrow when they get back from Japan. :)

V 2.1
New feature!
- Buy your own house to store items
- Forging weapons and armors
- Wands will replenish MP occasionally

- Background music (e.g. iPod music) is fully supported
- Increased the size of players' character icon so it's bigger and fits better
- Adjusted store BGM volume
- Fixed problem of level stats window not showing up after beating the game
- Fixed Facebook crash
- Other fixes


- アイテムを保管できる家を建てられるように
- 武器と防具のアイテム強化
- 杖はたまにMPを回復

- バックグランド音楽(iPodなどの)のフルサポート
- 自分の写真をもうちょっと大きく見えるように調整
- 店のBGMの調整
- ラスボス倒したあとに窓がでない問題を修正
- Facebookが壊れてたのを修正
- その他



Donating my money to Japan after the devastating disaster.
My wife and 3 month old son was in Japan, got hit by 6M, really close from the origin. Luckily I was able to speak with them after 16 hours. Inside the house was shattered, no electricity, no water.
You can donate here:



New version sent

Dungeons & Such 2.0.5 is sent to Apple with these update:

- New item: Hi-Potion.
- Item capacity increase from level 20.
- Heal magic effect increase by little.
- Support for playing background music like iPod app.
- Some monsters flee.
- Higher dungeon level will yield higher weapon bonus from treasure loot.
- Deep sleeping will give you penalty instead of sleeping forever.
- Fixed bug where monsters stays strong after wandering.

Recently, I've been getting great feedbacks from users and they're all awesome. Sometimes I get angry email saying there's some bugs, I need to fix them!

ー 新アイテム:ハイポーション
ー 持てるアイテムの数がレベル20からアップ
ー 魔法ヒールの効果を少しアップ
ー  iPodなどのBGMに対応
ー あるモンスターの中には逃げるものも発生
ー ダンジョンレベルによって武器についてくる攻撃力アップ
ー 深い眠りにおちるとペナルティ。。その者、死す!
ー バグ修正:さまよった後に町に戻ったり死んだりした後にダンジョンへ戻ってもモンスターが強いのを修正



Game Design

At the time of writing, Dungeons & Such 2.0.4 is at 4 stars and up from over 120 reviews.
From what I'm seeing in App Store, that's not too bad. Gotta make it better!

今の時点でDungeons & Such 2.0.4は120件以上のレビューで4星以上ゲッツ。なかなかよろしいんでないの。まだまだがんばるぜい。


Upgrade & debugging

I've received emails from no more than 20 customers so far. It's good amount. I enjoy their feedback, a lot of them positive, some are bad (for me). The emails really get me going. I'm fixing and upgrading my app so I will get fewer negative feedbacks.
